I was away for five days this past week in a place that I had never visited and the thought that stayed with me upon my return is the warmth you feel when you acknowledge one another. I was at a wedding where I knew only a handful of people to begin with and at the start my insecurities showed up…’I don’t know what to say to these people’, ‘I am just a third wheel’ ( I was accompanying someone to the wedding), ‘I am shy and socially awkward’ and on and on it went. As the week went on and I met some of the lovely people that were there for the wedding what struck me was the warmth I felt when acknowledging another person in a positive way. I spent some time after I had met these individuals and found something in my heart that I found really special about them. I realized that all of these people that were at the wedding were beautiful in their own way. I had one particular moment where I teared up talking to someone when I found out that both of these people sat regularly by the hospital bed of my present partner who had a serious accident some time ago. It meant so much to me and it touched my heart to such a degree that I found myself with tears of gratitude in my eyes as I thanked these people. This was just a brief moment where I acknowledged another human being whose heart touched mine and made me grateful. We all have an ability to acknowledge one another…every day we can find something that we like about the person who is in our company and we can tell them what that is. It takes courage because in that moment you are vulnerable but it is better to tell them in this moment, in the now because who knows if you will get another moment to tell them later on. Things happen, unexpected accidents can occur and this moment is all you really have…so I ask you to acknowledge one another and let them know if you feel so moved how they touch your heart. This can also help if you are finding yourself in conflict with another person or an individual consistently pushes your buttons…find one thing that you can like about the person that you are having trouble loving…just find one thing that you can like about the person and whenever you are feeling negative about that person bring yourself back to that one thing that you can like about them. This will put you in a better state of mind, a more positive one that supports good relationships with other people…so acknowledge one another when you can…
It’s all about alignment…
When I talk about alignment, I am talking about what things do you need to do, what steps do you need to take with regards to your own personal alignment within yourself. What factors are required for you to thrive? What is your best environment with regards to work? What does it look like? What are you doing? What is your favored environment in terms of the people whose company you keep? Are you in a big group of people or are you with just a few? If you had a day to yourself, how would you choose to spend it? Deep within ourselves, lies our most suited path of alignment. This is your deepest knowing. Checking in with yourself from time to time will help you connect with your deepest knowing. Another term for this is your inner voice. Everyone has an inner voice. It is built into our DNA in the form of personal consciousness. When your personal consciousness is aligned with divine consciousness, then you are a perfectly tuned instrument in the orchestra of your life. When things are feeling off track in your life, chances are you are not in alignment in some way to whatever process you are currently working in or with. Ask yourself ‘how can I be more in alignment with this personal experience right now’? Check in with yourself and you might be surprised to receive an answer. Knock on the door and it will be opened. The more you can live in alignment with who you really are the better your life will get. It’s like the pistons all line up when you are in alignment and they are firing to full capacity…Aligning your personal will to divine will is the key to having all your pistons firing but this does not happen without knowing your self first…You have to detach from your previous experiences, your attachments, and your personal history and get clear on your own personal alignment. What is most important to you and what do you want your path to be? How can you be of service in the world? Where can your light shine brightest? It’s all about alignment in the end…Love and happy July long weekend to everyone, Robin