Control is such a charged subject for me. From a young age, I convinced myself that I had control over what things happened to me. Being a nervous flyer, I used to obsessively pray on airplanes believing I was the one that would keep the plane in the air. I was wrong. Control is only an illusion. That illusion often makes people feel safer, more in ‘control’ of their lives. What can be useful to do is reframe the events of your life. Even little annoyances that may crop up in your day to day activities can be looked at from a different perspective. For instance, I had some business cards made last Friday – ‘business cards in minutes’…I was rushing to get the cards done and ended up making an error on the cards even though I did proof-read them at the time. I noticed the error last night and I needed new cards in 24 hours. I had to redo them and when I went to the copy store this am, the machine was broken to cut the cards. I could have ranted and raved about my misfortune but I did not. I spent 90 minutes at the shop while the kind employee cut my business cards manually. I was instead grateful that she took the time to help me. Here is an opportunity to reframe the situation. I thought this is not on my time, it is on divine time. I have a specific goal in mind and I take action when and where required but ultimately I don’t have control over the time line; my path will unfold in the right way at the right time. Remember, control is just an illusion. I need to let go of controlling all the little things I do in my life. I do not have to make things happen. I am human and I make mistakes from time to time. When I let go of control and trust in the bigger picture, then I am more in alignment to my goal…and then I am amused and grateful for the little things that pop up to slow me down…I remind myself it is not on my time, rather divine time…
Time for re-evaluation
The weather has been rather inclement lately. Too cold and rainy to plan outdoor activities. A perfect weekend to spend indoors. What this weather does for me; the positive in this is the time necessary to re-evaluate where I am in my life path and what I need to do to make things better and bring things more into alignment for me. The rainy weather is perfectly suited to put the kettle on and spend some time in self reflection. What things am I doing well in my life? What things do I need to work on? How can I love myself more in the moment that I find myself in? What continues to come back to me is the need to make time, create space to connect with the deeper wiser self that exists inside of me. I call this life line my connection to the divine. In that space, do all my answers lie, all my goodness resides and all my salvation exists. I am not talking organized religion here, rather a spiritual world that knows no dogma other than the common thread that links all of our humanity together – love. All of us on the earth have a knowing of where our goodness lies; it is built into our DNA by virtue of our creation in the first place. All we have to do is tune in from time to time and it is right there for us. Rainy days like today make it perfect to sip on a cup of beautiful tea and get in touch with our divine nature again – reevaluate and reset so that tomorrow we can wake up starting our day in alignment with the greater force that resides within us.
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