One of the most important things that you can do is learn to love and accept yourself in every moment. No one is perfect; see yourself as an imperfect human being who is wanting to live a conscious life. It is not easy to live a conscious life. We are all flawed in some way (but only according to our preconceived notions, our conditioning, our own personal judgements that really hold no weight in the spiritual realms) … we are all also exquisitely beautiful in that same perceived state of imperfection. When you are challenged to see the beauty in yourself, in your life, ask to see a reflection of your beauty because it is there. Ask someone else that you trust what they like about you…then your beauty will be reflected back to you. Taking the focus off of yourself can also help. If you are in the company of others and are feeling insecure or small in any way, ask yourself, ‘How can I best express my beauty in this present moment?’ Set the intention to connect with the inner radiance that is truly you. Then watch what happens… your demeanor starts to soften and you become a light in the world…you become a sparkly light and begin to radiate something that is deep within you… your connection to consciousness. That connection to consciousness is always available to you but sometimes your mind/ego will keep you locked on to a particular problem you are experiencing in your daily life or maybe you are feeling insecure about yourself in some way… not realizing that spirit is so much more powerful than any problem you could ever have. Just bring yourself back to ‘How can I be light in this moment? How can I connect to conciousness in this moment? Take the focus off of you and your ego and put it onto being a light in the world. The world can definitely use more light. This is being mindful to the moment and this mindfulness is available to everyone…stop, pause, bring your attention inward, feel the connection to a greater power inside of you…it is there, it has always been there, you just needed to pause power,and be aware of it…you can be a light in the world…see that as more important than any job you could do, any position that you could be appointed to, any financial status that would separate you from others…light knows no boundaries, no comparisons, no sense of being separate, no shame and light attracts light…more reason to be your sparkly self…
The Spiritual Side of Healing- Part One
I will talk more about the physical side of healing in future posts as I feel most people resonate with that side of healing and are wanting to make more changes pertaining to their physical health. However, I am most excited to discuss the spiritual side of healing with you because this is the world that I really get and love. The spiritual side is the nitty gritty of healing. It is when you come face to face with yourself and your life and that can pose difficulty for most if not all of the human race. It is when you lie naked against the transparent backdrop of your life and begin to see things as they really are. It is cutting out the crap and agreeing to face the music. This is not easy folks! It is scary and hard to face the music which is the particular tune that you are playing in this life. But by not facing yourself and your music you leave a lot of stones unturned. The more stones unturned the less transformative is the healing. The spiritual side of healing is where the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow lies; agreeing to look at this aspect of yourself can lead to the most insights, the most profound healings and the most peace and understanding that you will ever know. If you have never had a longing to know yourself better or have never had a desire to know who or what God or a spiritual connection is then this side of healing is not for you now. But there will be a time, likely when you are challenged by some unforeseen circumstance in your life, perhaps an ego shattering experience like the death of someone you love, the diagnosis of a serious illness in yourself or another, losing your job or filing for bankruptcy, a divorce that you never saw coming, a horrendous accident….this incident will act as a catalyst and you will be driven to seek out the spiritual side of healing. You will be greatly comforted by it when there is nothing left you can do, there is nowhere else you can go, and there is no one that can really understand what you are going through; you have officially hit rock bottom and you will have nowhere else to turn but to spirit. You are never alone and there is always a spiritual connection around you; you just have to be open to it. You have to ask for help from the spiritual realms and trust me> you will receive help…the help might come in an unexpected phone call that you receive, a commercial on your television, a conversation that you are having with a friend, a song you hear on the radio, a sentence you read in your newspaper… the mystery lies in the method of delivery but this connection to spirit becomes your lifeline>>> the message is for you and it is from the spiritual realms – you will know this when it happens to you and it is the beginning of your connection to the spiritual world…your life has now officially changed…for the better…
Grateful for the Love
I had a great long weekend. It wasn’t as sunny as it was supposed to be but it was spent in the comfort of my partner’s house listening to the rain falling on the roof with a crackling fire in the fireplace; the predominant feeling that I am left with is I am grateful for the love. I am grateful for the love of my partner. I am grateful for all the people that I have come to know in Bragg Creek who are so kind to me. I am grateful for the people that work at the stores that I grocery shop at that acknowledge me. I am grateful for my friend that I walk with on the weekends. If I really think about the people that I am grateful for, it regularly brings tears of joy to my eyes. I look back over my life and the only thing I regret is that I did not always have an open heart to the people around me. I was self absorbed for a majority of my life. So now I go to the opposite pole. I tell people how much I love them and do that as often as I can. At the end of your life what means most to you are all the people in it not the successes in your working life or your personal accomplishments. What means the most to me are the heart connections in my life. I want to foster more and nurture more heart connections in my life. Then I will be truly living at a level that I can be satisfied with. I will be a cup that is overflowing…I am grateful for the love…