One of the most important things that you can do if you are not well currently is to create a well being list. Make a list of all the things that bring you joy. The things on the list should be easy to do and not require much money if any. The reason you need to make a list of things that bring you joy is because first of all, you may not be aware of what things bring you joy. You may have no idea what brings you joy. This is something to contemplate, hey?! I know for me some of the things on my list include listening to music that I have that I love (Goldfrapp’s Seventh Tree), buying yummy groceries for a meal that I want to prepare (borscht comes to mind), getting a spiritual book out of the library that I want to read (Summer’s Path), taking a hot bath with epsom salts and lavender oil, going swimming at the community center and having a steam after, doing breathing exercises that help my body feel good, the list goes on and on. Another reason to create a well being list is that in doing these things on your list you will release powerful healing chemicals into your body. This helps heal you on a physical level which creates better health. Science is proving this. When I am feeling a little lower in terms of my mood and energy level, I will choose one thing on my well being list and bring that into my day. Doing this increases my joy and shifts my vibration into a better space and brings me more well being which translates into better health. Make a list today of the things that bring you joy and try to do one thing each day to create more well being in your day.
If you have no idea what would bring you joy and your list is really short, then you have some self exploration to do. Set the intention that you want to know more of what brings you joy. Then be open to exploring yourself. Watch what turns up for you? If somebody wants to do something with you (let’s say go bowling and you have never gone bowling and are even not sure you would like to go bowling), say yes even though you have no idea what your experience will be. You might see your anxiety show up or negative voices in your head (I can’t bowl; What if I look like an idiot, etc.) Challenge those voices and release your expectations of what the experience will be like. You are now an empty slate; you are a tableau waiting to be written. All you have to do is agree to say yes to the night of bowling. You say yes to experiencing new things. You say yes to stepping through your fear. You say yes to opening up to life a little bit more. And who knows, you might come home feeling a little more bounce in your step because you tried something new and it was fun. You might see that there is well being available to you in many different forms. You just have to see that it is there. This is how you start to open yourself up to experiencing more joy in your life. This is part of your emotional healing…