It is important to come from an emotionally centred perspective when you go about your day. It is especially important in today’s world which is often full of stories that centre on fear, anxiety and dejectedness. Whether it be hearing about extreme weather patterns in the world, the state of the economy or the rising costs of living, the media focuses on what gets attention and disregards the positive stories of optimism and hope that also exist in the world but rarely get footage. I stopped watching the news a while ago and do not buy the newspaper. Some people might think it unnecessary to cut down on exposure to the media but when I am feeling overly sensitive to the maladies of the world, I will do this. I set the intention of going about my day from an emotionally centred place from start to finish. That way I am not tossed around by the ups and downs that can occur in one’s day. If you take more time and be vigilant with regards to your emotions in each moment then that vigilance will allow you to stay emotionally centred throughout your day. Staying centred allows you to remain calm and focused on what you need to do. If you are mindful then you don’t react to other people that may not be coming from an emotionally centred place. Staying centred allows you to bring more to the table in your interactions with other people. I feel good knowing that I am interacting with people from my best space possible. I am mindful when I get irritated by something trivial in my day. I remind myself that my day is what I make it and if I am coming from a centred place then I can handle ebbs and flows in my day and flow with them. I don’t decide that I am going to have a stressful day because of the environment I am going into or the people I will be dealing with. I decide that I am going to be centred and when I am in my centre nothing can really affect me. Winds can blow all around me yet I stay solid in my center. It does not matter what I am experiencing; I don’t label what I am experiencing as good or bad. It just is. When you are in your emotionally centred place, then life becomes better. You realize that you are in charge of how you are feeling and this makes you feel more in control. You are confident in your ability to remain centred and that makes you feel better about yourself. This builds self esteem. So decide to stay emotionally centred throughout your day. I know you can do it…