One thing I have noticed a lot not only with my interactions with patients but also observing the daily news is how many people are walking through fire at this time. So many people are in crisis right now and I have so much compassion for them as they are confronting a lot of challenging circumstances in their external environment whether it be in their working life or their personal life….the fact is many people are walking through fire right now. Remember these people in your prayers at night if you can (as I am sure you know some people that are walking through fire metaphorically speaking.) At the same time, one thing you can do that is helpful is to direct your thoughts to what you want to focus on…
You could potentially walk on water if you directed your thoughts to higher ways of being; looking at the situations in your life from a higher vantage point – What is this teaching me?; How am I growing in this situation? Or how about really focusing on the beauty in the present moment? This is keeping your thoughts in current time. So many of us, including myself, find ourselves thinking of future time (what may happen in the future) or we think about the past (thinking about what might have been or just plain dwelling in the past)…all these strategies are employed by the mind to somehow regain control (which is an illusion) and the only moment you have is the present one so why not focus on it? Bring yourself back to the present moment over and over until it feels natural to you to be in the present moment, then you will truly be walking on water when you realize how beautiful the present moment truly is…and it feels so much better than directing your attention to walking through fire all the time…