It is time to take the power back regarding your health. For hundreds of years, you have put your health in your doctor’s care. The world needs doctors; they are a necessary cog in the chain of health care. They have a valuable role to play. But, realize that you have to some degree, put your power outside of yourself, in someone else’s hands. The whole health care system is built on this structuring of power, where the patient has the least amount of power; therefore, their fate lies in someone else’s hands. It is time, to take back the responsibility for your health. Your chronic thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and your emotional habits all affect your health. When you see some of the reasons behind creating imbalance in your body, you can begin to shed some light on how you heal it. Illness is a gift and it is a catalyst for your transformation. No one else can do the work of personal healing, but you. A prescription may buy you time but it will not get to the root cause. It is up to you to undertake the job of self exploration, self examination and the pursuit of self knowledge, because, herein, lay the secret to curative actions. Here is the grand paradigm shift, required in health care, and it will be vehemently opposed by many, who would desire to abdicate responsibility for their own health. But for those of you desiring deep healing, this is how it works.