So I made a big decision this week. I have decided not to submit my book proposal in Hay House’s contest this year after all. One of the most important things for me is to keep my stress level in check. I push myself beyond my limits but as I advance in age (sad but true}…I need to put less pressure on myself to achieve things. I still have goals but I am realistic about things and I listen to my inner voice now. I start a new job this week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will be helping a doctor remotely from Calgary. I need to get my savings back that the pandemic wiped out so Dr. Laroiya was kind enough to let me take this second job at this time. I will be working Monday, Weds and Fridays at Parallel Wellness and this is still my first priority to work at Parallel. If you want to book in with me, please call Parallel Wellness at 4032321283 I still have my Emotional Freedom Technique special on for $80 if you book 4 sessions. Hope you are having a good summer! I was reading about foods that can inhibit angiogenesis (this is a process that supplies cancer cells with a blood flow). Foods that inhibit angiogenesis include artichokes. garlic, peas, onions, apples, ginger, peppers, basil, black pepper, blueberries, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cilantro, cinnamon, collard greens, endive, fennel, green tea, kale, lentils, lima beans, mushrooms, nutmeg, olives, onions, oregano, parsley, pumpkin, rosemary, scallions, spinach, sweet potatos, tarragon, thyme, turmeric, turnips, watercress, winter squash. Reference: Nutritional So make sure and include these foods in your diet. Always buy the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables organic. You are safe to buy the Clean fifteen fruits and vegetables nonorganic. Always wash your produce. Until next blog, be well! Dr. Robin Vinge. ND Parallel Wellness 4032321283