There is a positive side to everything you experience just like there is a negative side. It is all a matter of your perception. If you can change your perception of events that happen in your life then you are well on your way to a more peaceful state of being within yourself. I bring this up because everything I experienced in my past served my growth and made me who I am today. All the people that I interacted with along my life path have made me grow in different ways and for that I am grateful. I realize that the belief systems that were created based on my programming led me to suffer at different times in my life. This suffering could have been prevented if I had challenged my belief systems which would have proved them to be faulty. I did not have the awareness then that I have now. Everyone has the right to create belief systems that serve them however you have to see where they originate in the first place.
After I did a life review, I did two key things. Firstly, I identified the one person who was the most influential on my life path. Secondly, I identified five key messages that I believed were important to follow based on this person’s influence. (I go into detail in my book that I am currently finishing with regards to this process so I won’t spend time on the details now.)The reason I bring this up is so you can see how programming occurs. I was programmed by other people’s beliefs that were close to me when I was growing up. Their opinion mattered a great deal to me and they had a successful life path so naturally I assumed that their advice was golden. I examined the five messages and then came up with beliefs that I had created based on these messages. These beliefs became my truth which was not necessarily a bad thing at the time. This led me to a life path that was reasonable and safe. But was it really me? Only separating yourself out from your programming will begin to shed light on this whole issue.
I looked at the messages and then the beliefs that I had created based on the messages. I asked myself whether having these belief systems served to increase peace and well being within my spirit or did they do the opposite? Many times they did the opposite so I started to look for myself in the midst of my programming. I started to examine my belief systems and create new belief systems in my life that would afford me the most freedom. I wanted to emerge from my self imposed box whose parameters were defined by my programming. I found more peace and well being within myself when I observed how many of my belief systems were too limited and thus limited my overall potential for happiness.
I realized that just because I perceived that I came from a family with a limited world view did not mean that I had to keep the limited world view as my operating system. They were likely a product of their own family programming; the cycle keeps repeating when there is no need to question it. There are positives and negatives to programming – if you are happy in your life, with your life, then there will be no need to question your programming. I needed to develop my own identity free of my programming and this was the process by which I would do this…