I just finished a marathon of listening and viewing videos from the free Hay House Summit. Talk about a high vibrational download. I went to a ‘I can do it conference’ in 2005 in Las Vegas and it one of the best experiences of my life. I met Louise Hay at that time and she is just as beautiful now watching her talk about her movie ‘You can Heal your Life’ as she was back then. Her movie is so inspiring and required viewing in my opinion if you are trying to heal your life in any way, shape or manner with regards to your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual self. Not too terribly long ago I was healing my life especially with regards to my physical health. I am at the point in my life where I feel that I can claim stability with regards to my physical health and Hay House played a large role in helping me believe that I could be well and thrive on an ongoing basis. Watching Louise Hay’s movie today re-inspired me to really teach others that your mind/body/spirit connection is imperative to healing illness in your life be it emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual.
When I was struggling with MS flares and did not know how to manage it well, I used affirmations to affirm what I wanted my body to do knowing that my soul knew how to get better with the right mind/body/spirit alignment that Louise Hay has made famous with her work. Affirmations are a must and bear repeating frequently and consistently until your body has that knowledge deep in your being. The body is always seeking to be well if you put it in the right environment whether that be the right nutritional environment, or the right mental environment (affirmations, loving thoughts about self and other, health promoting beliefs which can be reviewed periodically to assess ongoing evolution), or the right emotional environment (are you spending time on things that nourish the self? bring happiness to the self or bring joy? do you seek to love self and love others? do you focus on right attitude or conscious perception?) or spiritual environment (could there be a blessing in this experience? could there be a deeper meaning behind this illness showing up in my life? how can I further connect with universal consciousness or God or whatever you label the highest source of divine light and protection to be in your life?). All of these intentions or reflections to align with self require a considerable degree of vigilance but this should feel like a process of coming into equilibrium and bring deep peace and contentment knowing that the soul is seeking complete union with self which is what ultimate alignment is all about…
You can heal your life. Thank you to Louise Hay, Reid Tracey and the Hay House Summit for making this material free and available for all the public to access. You are changing the face of health care and empowering the world to take an active participating role to heal themselves. Bravo!! Much Love to you!! google hay house summit to access right now- all you need is a personal email address…XOXOXO Robin