Kapha individuals are the strong, stable, dependable types. They are easy going and not ruffled by much. They are most resilient in the face of stress. In their balanced state, they are calm and sweet. They value family and relationships. If you are in relationship with a Kapha type, count yourself lucky. You are likely in a love filled supportive relationship. Kapha types when out of balance can be the most likely type to put on body weight; they can also struggle with fatigue and apathy when in this state. They may sleep too much when in a state of imbalance. Environmental factors that can cause a Kapha to be aggravated include too much damp; cold will also aggravate them.
In terms of dietary factors that will aggravate Kapha types, factor in too many sweets, heavy, deep fried foods or cold foods. Salt and sour can also aggravate. Substances that are pungent balance Kapha (think chili pepper, garlic, herbs and spices including cumin, coriander, cinnamon, pepper and basil). These substances help stimulate digestion and metabolism. Foods that are bitter (dark leafy greens) also help keep Kaphas lighter and play a role in detoxification. Foods that are astringent such as legumes, fruits and vegetables help absorb excess water in the body. Clear vegetable soups with legumes would be a balancing meal for Kapha types.
Nuts can be too oily for Kaphas although sunflower and pumpkin seeds are okay for them. The best grains for Kapha include barley, buckwheat, millet and couscous. Rice and wheat should be eaten in small amounts. Nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers) can aggravate but fresh green chili peppers are recommended. Fruits such as cherries, berries, pears, and apple are especially balancing. Dried fruits are also tolerated.
Kaphas should eat light at breakfast and dinner; their main meal should be at mid day. Avoiding dairy helps Kaphas reduce their congestion which may show up in the sinuses or chest in the form of bronchitis. Drinking warm ginger tea can also help balance them. They should avoid drinking ice cold drinks.
Kaphas are not a constitutional type that needs to eat frequently. Rather they can do well eating less frequently; snacking in between meals is not a benefit to them. However they should not skip meals or fast. They should eat lightly. Because they have a tendency to gain weight, it would be useful to train themselves not to overeat.
Kaphas need to exercise regularly. Engaging in mental activity is beneficial for them. Travel and meeting new people can invigorate Kaphas. Don’t allow yourself to oversleep and make time to go sweat from time to time at your health club as steams are beneficial to Kaphas. For more information on balancing Kaphas, please read ‘Perfect Health’ by Deepak Chopra.