It is the beginning of July and most people are in ‘summer mode’. This means drinks on the patio, barbecues, stampede wear, and outdoor concerts for some; typically healing is the last thing people are thinking of. People’s desire to cut loose and have fun is a great way to infuse enthusiasm back into their life- everyone needs a daily dose of joy to bring more life force energy into your mind/body/spirit. But, don’t forget about your health despite the liaise-faire attitude. Implementing some discipline and keeping your eye on the prize (better health) allow you to move forward with your health goals while taking the edge off your intensity so it does not feel like another day at the office.
Discipline is the key to success so start by reviewing what you want to achieve and can stay consistent with on a daily basis. It might be something as simple as drinking enough water so your urine is clear versus cloudy. It might be taking a weekly trip to the farmer’s market and loading up on fresh veggies. It might be growing greens in your back yard so you have a variety, to choose from when you make your green smoothie in the morning. Ask yourself what can I be consistent with on a daily basis? If you do some consistent meditation in the am (10 mins- set an egg timer and breathe) you might be more in touch with what it is you need to do to stay disciplined and committed to your health goals. Ask your higher self (your inner wisdom) what would be something you can choose to do on a daily basis consistently to improve your health? Your inner voice knows- the answer might come to you when you least expect it.
Many people come to see me for a consult but I often here how they are not sure that they can stick with the dietary changes consistently. Break it down. Remind yourself why you are wanting your health to improve. Remind yourself why are wanting to make changes. What do you want your end result to be? This is very individual- it might be more energy, more clarity, weight loss, a healthier diet, reduced risk of disease, consistent remission (if you have an autoimmune disease), more consistent poops, reduced anxiety, better sleep, etc, etc, etc. What are you most wanting to achieve? Typically it takes 21 days to form a habit so try to choose one thing to start with that you really want to stay committed to and implement your discipline and will to make it happen. You can do it!!
The tendency to self sabotage is built into our human DNA. However if you keep your health goals close to your heart and engage that side of your DNA, your chances for success are much higher. Take a look at and draw upon the self care part of your nature to improve the likelihood of goals realized; in short-draw from your heart center. How can you love yourself more? By making these healthy changes in your life, is that not an act of self love? It is easy to sabotage yourself when you do not love yourself. Loving yourself means making choices that are in alignment to you whether it be healthy food choices, self respect, honoring yourself and others in relationships that you choose to engage in, implementing behaviors that are conducive to your good health (good sleep hygiene for example), being as congruent as you can in mind, body, spirit; all these things mean a healthy dose of self love which allows for transformative healing.