I am excited to be offering Dutch Hormone testing to my patients. This comprehensive hormone test uses 4 urine samples and is a great way to evaluate free hormone levels vs hormones that are bound. Free hormone levels are most reflective of what actually gets to the tissues and has the most biological effect. Saliva is also a source of free hormone levels and I also test saliva but I find Dutch to be more comprehensive than my saliva testing. It offers more of a complete picture and it is my favorite functional medicine test that I do right now.
I am most interested in doing evaluation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in my corporate patients. This is an up to date term for evaluation of adrenal fatigue. Most of my corporate clients are running on empty in terms of their energy levels and this test looks comprehensively at adrenal output including diurnal rhythm of cortisol, cortisol production and how you are metabolizing it; it looks at DHEA production which tends to balance cortisol, it also looks at melatonin levels which are critical in helping patients sleep through the night. The test helps me make decisions in terms of patient management utilizing adaptogenic herbs and supplemental support.
Most patients that have an H.P.A. dysfunction, may also have a thyroid component that needs addressing. This test can point to a possible hypo thyroid or hyper thyroid status that may need further evaluation. Patterns that I see in terms of cortisol metabolites and production/breakdown/clearance give me more information about thyroid status and further testing that might be needed. Thyroid support might be recommended in that case. Herbal medicine, homeopathic support and therapeutic supplementation can be helpful. Diet and lifestyle are also critical in management and thyroid medication from your doctor in some cases.
Evaluation of female hormones (estrogen, progesterone) as well as (testosterone/androgens) and their breakdown and distribution gives me a more detailed view of hormone balance in women and men. It helps me see whether my female patients have an Estrogen dominant condition that could contribute to their chief complaint (menorrhagia, mood disturbances whether it be anxiety or depression, PMS, ovarian cysts, fibroids, etc). It helps me see whether they have an issue breaking down their hormones and how I can help them better do that. It helps me see more clearly if I have a patient with PCOS what androgens might be contributing to their imbalance and how I can intervene. The male test helps me evaluate what factors might be influencing prostate health.
The Dutch Complete also measures some organic acid levels to evaluate B vitamin status and glutathione status (which is one of our most potent antioxidants in the body). The test also assesses levels of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine) indirectly by measuring their urine metabolites. This may not be a perfect reflection of what is going on in the brain but this does offer a good representation nonetheless. This test helps with my evaluation of a patient’s mental and emotional health and whether they may need some support and which neurotransmitter to focus on.
Come in for a 1st visit and if you are interested in evaluating your hormonal balance, fertility status (having trouble getting pregnant?), or fatigue, I may send you home with a Dutch Complete Hormone Test. To book in with me at Parallel Wellness, call 4032321283, Dr. Vinge