This has been a rough summer for me. I was let go from Parallel Wellness after working there for twenty plus years. I have not been able to drive my patient numbers since the pandemic to be honest. Facts have to be faced. When I was speaking in companies I could drive my business effectively. Companies are not hiring speakers as readily as before. I have lived with MS since I was 21 years old I believe, I walk to get groceries from Blush Lane. It takes about twenty minutes. I fill up my knapsack with groceries and walk back to my condo. It is a good workout for me. I am building strength in my body. I feel my Olympic journey takes place everyday living with MS. I have started swimming regularly too which feels so good. I started taking Maca again. I find this herb to be such a good support in menopause for hormones and to promote energy. The other herbs I use to promote energy are Ribes nigrum and Sequoia gigantea (both gemmotherapies). Sequioa is a gentle Yin tonic which promotes Estrogen and Ribes promotes cortisol with a more Yang energy. Come in and see me while I am still practicing downtown. 4032321283 Dr. Robin Vinge
I am now practicing online on the Jane app. You can find the link to that app on my website Hope to see you soon!
Dr. Robin Vinge