Healing requires a tremendous amount of commitment. You have to be committed to yourself every day in every way. From a physical standpoint, healing involves alot of self discipline; discipline with regards to what you put into your body in the form of food and drink every day; discipline with regards to the exercise that you choose to commit to daily, discipline with regards to self care, sleep/wake habits, cooking, etc. From a mental standpoint, healing involves discipline with regards to the thoughts you choose to focus on, the stories you choose to tell yourself, and the beliefs you choose to live by each and every day. From the emotional standpoint, discipline is required to stay in emotional harmony throughout your day, choosing not to react to your external world, rather holding your center and hoping to affect your environment like a zen pebble dropped into a turbulent pool. From the spiritual standpoint, ?choosing to trust despite the mystery of the journey, not knowing where the twists and turns of your life will take you; discipline required to focus on the moment and not allowing your mind to take you anywhere but one that serves your highest good, focusing on the journey itself versus the destination, choosing to love and accept yourself despite your perceived imperfections, choosing love over hate, faith versus fear and commiting wholeheartedly to participating in your life each and every day when you might rather tune the world out and sit on the sidelines. From all angles, one can see that healing requires a tremendous amount of commitment and self discipline. ?This are examples of the extreme vigilance required on your part…?
However, it is not a world devoid of joy, quite the opposite… It is a world designed to help you be at the top of your own personal game in your life. Be clear on the reasons why you are doing the things you do. If you can see clearly your motivations and the end result or benefit to you it will be easier for you to stay commited and motivated on a daily basis. Your commitment and self discipline to healing yourself comes back to you in spades. You are but a ripple in the chain. Each one of us is linked together in the chain of life. Through this healing journey you will begin to access more happiness and joy and that will then affect others in your personal orbit… the links in the chain downstream from you. By agreeing to heal yourself of all your previous misconceptions, outdated beliefs, and erroneous conclusions, and challenging all the ways in which you withhold love from yourself and others, you are doing your small part in healing the rest of the world. Healing requires a tremendous amount of commitment and self discipline but there is no better way to spend your time when you are in a state of dis-ease…this commitment to heal yourself is the most rewarding journey that you can ever take…