As I said, any ego shattering experience is meant to connect you with your awareness. What that means is you are now officially awake and aware of your own personal landscape. You are lost and thus are driven to introspection, contemplation and thus awaken to your awareness. You are so awake that you only wish that you could ignore the glare of your own personal reality. The present moment is all that you are aware of; there is no longer any reason to distract yourself from it. You have officially begun to live a conscious life. You need to find meaning in your life now and it starts with your connection to your awareness. In this lifeline of awareness, in this channel lies so much omniscient wisdom, knowledge, self love, self acceptance, personal power and holiness – this is the light that illuminates your present darkness. This is the light that you must fixate on and align yourself with because this light will herald a new path for you… this is the spiritual path that you are now on… ( this next little section is from the book I am writing called ‘Illness as a Catalyst for Transformation.’)
A new path that will lead you out of the dark forest of your life; a forest that has been long overgrown, crowding you in its constriction. You have no bearings in this forest anymore. This forest is dark, empty, and desolate. You are so busy feeling forsaken in this forest, lost, your eyes cast down, that you don’t realize that in the distance, way off in the distance, there is a tiny pinprick of light. This tiny pinprick of light is almost completely obliterated by the dense overgrowth of trees, but it is there. You don’t realize that if you could put all your courage into this heroic task, put all your eggs in this one tiny basket, that you could begin to leave this dark forest behind, once and for all.
You don’t realize that this pinprick of light, if focused on above anything else, would start to create a path just for you and lead you silently through the darkness. You don’t realize that if you were to follow this pinprick of light and allow it to blind you with its tiny intensity; focus your eyes on it above anything else, you would find this tiny pinprick if followed, would eventually give way to a slightly larger beam of light. This larger beam of light, if focused on, would in turn, lead to a colossal stream of light. This colossal stream of light would lead you to the edge of the forest and would eventually open up into a beautiful, expansive space. In fact, it would lead you into a whole different world that you had no idea existed outside of the forest.
You would then understand that this tiny ray of light is your ticket out of your darkness. That if only you have the courage, to focus on and align yourself with this ray of light, it will illuminate a path for you and lead you out of the dark forest which you have called your life up until this point. You would realize that there is no need for struggle. There is no need for sadness. There is light all around you. You just must ask it to show you the way and trust in the path that you are shown. Allow yourself the possibility to trust in this new path that is unfolding in front of you. Will you allow yourself to drop those beliefs that have up to this point defined you, those beliefs that you have carried like a thick sheet of armor, an inexhaustible burden that you need no longer carry? Will you have the courage to acquire new ones to redefine you in this present moment? Will you allow yourself the freedom to change your course? This is not easy. It is challenging. But holding on to the beliefs that no longer serve you is akin to keeping yourself in shackles.
You can travel no distance without light that is divinely sent by spirit…ask for help from the spiritual realms (God, Universal Consciousness, Buddha, the Holy Spirit, Allah, Source… whatever you want to label it as …knock and the door will be opened…)