In today’s fast-paced hectic world, there is a tremendous need for balance and getting back to values that are the most important to you. When our egos run the show and we are caught up in the external world our internal world is often neglected. This external world which tends to be transient and can change on a dime is not the ‘world’ to get attached to these days. Turn on the news and you will quickly here stories of loss and feel the climate of fear and uncertainty that our media thrives on. This external world does not typically bring a deep feeling of peace to us or a sense that everything is alright with our world. Our internal worlds need to be cultivated and require some attention from us at this time.
Taking a moment to be more mindful in your world can really help at this time. Being mindful is really bringing your attention to the present moment and bringing as much of ‘you’ as you can to the present moment whether the moment involves washing your dishes, talking to a work colleague or chatting on the phone with a family member. Remind yourself that this present moment is the only thing you can really count on and ask yourself how can you bring the best you to the table? Being mindful is a way to quiet the chatter in your mind and bring a feeling of more inner peace to you. You can’t think about your future when you are in the present moment and when you bring your full undivided attention to the present moment it becomes really beautiful I bet if you check in with yourself from time to time and remind yourself of this you will have a better day and the other people around you will have a better experience of you.
Starting your day with a 10-20 minute meditation can also help you prepare for your day and start it in the best frame of mind possible. I recommend setting your alarm clock twenty minutes earlier and getting up to do this. Tell yourself before going to bed that it will be easy to get up at your designated wake up call. By telling your subconscious mind that it will be effortless for you before dropping off to sleep, it will be. Try it and you will be amazed that this is true.
As I have found that people’s emotional bodies are most challenged at this time, I recommend on doing a mindfulness meditation on love. To do this, I would conjure all the people up in your mind that you love most. Spend twenty minutes feeling love for all the people in your life. Think about all the reasons why you are grateful for them in your life, what specifically are the qualities that you most love in them, how they have added to the richness of your life. See how much you can fill your heart up with love for others. If you have trouble feeling love for people, you can also think of your pets or anything else that you feel love for. When you are finished this meditation, you will start your day feeling more in a ‘love vibe’ and will be less likely to react to minor inconveniences or challenging interpersonal dynamics in your day. Try this and let me know how it goes…and remember to love and accept yourself as we are all a work in progress…