I did a workshop this weekend. It was emotional freedom technique level 2. This weekend was like undergoing personal therapy for twelve hours. Level 2 teaches the participants how to access your core issues by getting in touch with your subconscious mind (which runs you 95% of the time versus the conscious mind which runs you 5 % of the time!) and works on reprogramming it. This is so important. The subconscious mind is like a tape player. It contains beliefs that you learned in your first six years of life. Bruce Lipton who is a brilliant scientist on the planet right now states that your propensity to develop a serious disease is set by the age of six…isn’t that crazy?!
Yes, we are at the mercy of our subconcious programming to a point until we become conscious of it and learn tools to work with it. We can reprogram the tape player so it plays a tape that supports our health and healing. EFT is one tool that can access the subconscious mind and work with it. It can release the energy tied up in the subconscious and liberate it so the individual is free to live an empowered conscious life. EFT is like acupuncture without the needles; psychological acupressure that allows for optimal energy flow along meridian pathways. It is simple and effective; this technique helps release energy that has been stored in the body preventing optimal health.
This workshop as mentioned was fairly intensive. What struck me though was the courage that people had to be vulnerable in front of other people. The instructor was at the front and would often seek audience members that wanted to work on personal issues. All of the people that went to the front had tears flowing. These individuals that had the courage to be transparent in a group full of strangers should be commended. It is not easy to be this vulnerable but the people that bravely went to the front of the room gave us so much of their heart and soul. I thanked one particular women after the class finished telling her that her bravery allows us all the courage to be more vulnerable in the future. What all of us need to see and be with each other is vulnerable and real. We have to take off our masks and let people see who we really are. Who we really are is individuals wanting to connect with other individuals hoping to be loved no matter how vulnerable we may appear in any given moment. This is the courage to be vulnerable. Bravely offer your love to someone who has shown the courage to be vulnerable in your life. I can tell you I am gathering courage to go to the front in a level 3 workshop….