At this time on our planet we are in a major state of awakening to our divine nature and awakening to our connection to a divine power that exists all around us and in us. Some people call this God;others call this universal consciousness;some people call it the universal one; others call it the Buddha, etc- the point is no matter what you call it, it exists in everyone and for everyone to help guide you and lead you in your life.
Right now many people are up against it. They might be up against it with regards to their health; they might be up against it with regards to their significant other; they might be up against it with regards to their job or a lack of a job; they might be up against it with regards to their financial situation; they might be up against it with regards to an addiction they can’t get past. This time is not easy for many people. But the purpose of this upheaval and apparent breakdown of structures, health, families, jobs, etc. is to heal whatever needs to be healed to bring about more wholeness overall. And the ultimate purpose is to realign with the divine…
This healing is not meant to bring you to a breaking point rather it is meant to bring you to a place of deep surrender and trust and to align your life in a way that feels authentic to your true divine nature. When the heat gets turned up in your life, take a moment of pause and breathe. What might this situation be leading me to do differently? Can I find the benefit in this situation? What wants to be birthed within me right now? Do I need to turn this worry about the situation over to a higher power? When you have seemingly lost control, trust that a greater divine force is watching over you and that you are in fact, safe. How can you come to a greater place of self love and self care in the midst of your chaos?
Keep breathing -it is very important to remind yourself to breathe. Ground yourself like a giant tree into the earth. Imagine whether you are sitting or standing that there are roots coming out of your feet and these roots are going to extend deep into the earth anchoring your being so that it stands tall and firm; it will not be swayed by the winds, it is a pillar that is held up by the heart of the cosmos. These winds of change that are swirling all around us are ultimately meant to bring us to more wholeness; we just need to surrender and trust that we are held in a greater space of divine love and are safe wherever we have planted ourselves…there is nothing to fear or battle against- just surrender…
If you have strong emotions coming up, greet these emotions with love. Cry tears of loneliness or scream with rage at the injustice in the world if you must. Above all, hold your divine being in a blanket of love. It is safe to feel these strong emotions. Exercise can help with the movement of them so they don’t stay stagnant and stress releases from your body. If the emotional intensity is too much for you, please make an appointment for emotional freedom technique which will help balance out your emotions and free them up so they are not stored within your body.
At the end of the day, an S.O.S. prayer can be released to the heavens. Pray for help and guidance that is an obvious answer to your prayer- it will show up- trust me…Spirit often comes to assist you when you are most in need of it-a great mantra I frequently rely on is ‘this too shall pass’…XO Robin