The end of the year is a great time to take inventory on your health on all four levels. I have talked about the physical, the mental, and the emotional levels of health so all that is left is the spiritual. Some people are wary of the spiritual because they may have had negative associations with organized religion in the past. I grew up in a religious home and I see the spiritual side of healing as absolutely sacred and necessary for me.
Most people do not even put an emphasis on the spiritual level of health unless they have dealt with a personal crisis in some way- it may be a health challenge that drives you to seek out the spiritual- my health challenge certainly led me back to living a spirit filled life and made me feel much happier and peaceful as a result. Some people may find a financial crisis leads them back to seek out the spiritual or it might be a divorce or the death of someone they love that throws them into a existential crisis. It is usually a situation that is overwhelming to the ego in some way and makes you feel very small and powerless in comparison. You surrender to a divine presence (some people call this God or the universe-use whatever term you are comfortable with) in hopes of coming to a better understanding of your circumstance; hopefully you will receive some guidance that will light your path moving forward and allow you to come back into balance.
God is intuition talking to you. We all have an inner voice that whispers to us. The journey of faith is trusting that voice and allowing that voice to guide you. How are you feeling about your connection to your inner voice? Are you connected to your intuition? Can you start listening more to that voice and follow its lead? The way you establish a stronger connection to the spiritual level of healing is very individual. Ask your intuition which way feels right for you? I started going back to church more consistently this year. It feels like a healthy ritual for me to have. I have connected to other friends that make their spirituality more of a priority and it feels right. This is one side of healing that is very near and dear to my heart. For you, it may be getting out into nature more; perhaps, that is where you feel more of a spiritual connection. Whatever feels right is the right way.
Meditation is a great way to commune with your soul. I do morning and evening meditations to help me stay aligned with my core God self. There are plenty of ways to meditate whether it be basic breathwork, visualizations (candle flame, chakras, rose) or guided exercises (Doreen Virtue, heartmath). The consistent checking in with yourself and establishing that connection to a higher power keeps your day to day living on a more even keel and establishes that is an important value that you have. Consistency makes it a part of your everyday core self. We all need this with the chaos that is in the world today. It is a core foundation from which to operate from.
The spiritual level of healing is tremendously important in dealing with a health challenge. Establishing a strong connection to a power higher than yourself leads you on a journey where you will confront your shadow, see and re-establish your light and love and accept yourself far more than you ever would had you not had this challenge. It will reconnect you with you, your goals, your authentic self, your values, your heart centered intentions for your life and ultimately your life purpose. I call this living in alignment. It is connecting your own personal will with divine will. It is saying ‘how can I best serve in light and love?’-God please use me. in however way you can. to help others heal on their journey. To continue this discussion and set your intentions for living a health filled life on all four levels of your being-physical, mental, emotional and spiritual-please book an appointment with me at Parallel Wellness-4032321283. Be well and be happy! Dr. Robin Vinge, N.D.