Healing is all about self love and self acceptance. In the sea of all the course work and workshops I have taken – this one truth rings back at me consistently and repeatedly. Healing is about self love and self acceptance. Look at all the ways in which you restrict that from yourself. I challenge you to look deep… at the landscape of your soul and ask yourself where you find it difficult to love and accept yourself. Find an area which you believe precludes your ability to love and accept yourself and challenge this erroneous idea. No one else can love you more than you can love yourself so why not give that gift to yourself. Why not become your greatest supporter and your fiercest ally? How well do you think your body’s cells would respond to this kind of loving support? I would guess better than you could ever imagine. There is no reason not to love yourself and accept yourself – no reason. This may not feel like a natural action to you if you have never done it before. You may feel like an imposter when you choose to love and accept yourself. I give you full permission to be an imposter. Fake it until it starts to feel real. Over time, it will get easier and become second nature. Make this your full time job to send love and acceptance to your cells all day long then note the positive changes that you begin to feel in your body. You will likely wish you had known to do this from your first day on the earth planet…
I struggled a lot with my body image when I was growing up. I did not love and accept myself because of my body image. I thought my body was flawed and that no one could ever love me because of my body. That was an erroneous belief that I bought into from a young age. I believed that so that became my reality for most of my life… until I decided to challenge this belief. I decided to make a conscious effort to love and accept all of me. I chose to challenge my views on my body’s acceptability factor. About ten years ago, I decided to dream into my world someone that would love my body just the way it was……. and guess what? it worked. It took six years before this person turned up in my life; there was a significant lag time where the universe had to catch up to my present reality of who I was; a lag time before my new belief became my reality. This individual that turned up in my life affirmed that my body was beautiful and never for a moment viewed it as anything flawed or unworthy of love; I could feel the genuine love and acceptance that was behind that proclamation. But I needed to believe the reality of that statement before someone came into my life that would mirror my new belief back to me…