Knowing yourself can be enhanced through genetic testing. I have read so many books that have taught me about genetics that I have not tested myself. One example that I recommend is reading Dr. Ben Lynch’s book Dirty Genes. This book helped me understand many things about the way my body handles stress. I am a highly sensitive individual that is very sensitive to the effects of stress. I need to exercise to manage stress and I need to meditate to handle my stress.
I have a Slow COMT based on his self tests. This makes absolute sense to me. I feel best when I avoid caffeine in the form of coffee. I drink a home-made Matcha Latte daily which feels much more calming and energizing to my body. Matcha which is green tea powder has theanine in it which helps calm down the nervous system. Coffee revs me up too much and interferes with my sleep. I occasionally will go out for coffee with people early in the day. In that case, I would drink an oat milk latte and might use raw honey to sweeten it.
I have been an athlete my whole life. I understand how important that was to manage my stress hormones my whole life and why I needed a high degree of directed exercise to maintain my calm demeanor. I jogged my whole life until the past few years when I had a bad MS flare. I do hope I can run in my future but in the meantime, I walk, swim and do Pilates for exercise. It is a must for me to regulate my stress hormones and I derive great joy from being active.
With a Slow COMT, it is recommended to watch how much protein you eat at your evening meal. He recommends eating protein earlier in the day so it does not keep you up at night digesting it. Pay attention to how you feel. If you eat a higher protein meal at night and have no issue sleeping then carry on. Developing self awareness if the key here. Trust your intuition and follow it.
To book in with me for telemedicine go to click on the contact me button to link to my Jane booking site. Have a great holiday and be well!! Dr. Robin Vinge, ND
Reference: Dirty Genes, Dr. Ben Lynch, ND