So what more can we do to calm our inflammation in the way of supplemental support? I do use Curcumin to target inflammation in the gut and the body in general. It can work to reduce pain, for instance, if a patient has arthritis. It does not inflame the gut or contribute to permeability in the gut like an antiinflammatory medication like NSAIDS or ibuprofen could do. Curcumin has antibacterial effects in the gut as well as antifungal effects. It helps strengthen the intestinal barrier which helps reduce endotoxemia which is associated with LPS. Curcumin increases alkaline phosphatase that deactivates bacterial LPS which helps lower inflammation all throughout the body. Curcumin also increases production of antimicrobial peptides.
I use L-glutamine powder to support healing in the case of leaky gut. It is well tolerated and helps reduce inflammation after you have taken the food sensitivities out of the diet. It is instrumental in repairing the gut and intestinal lining. I usually dose it 20 minutes before a meal. It has a benign taste and can be added to water.
Cloves also help increase intestinal mucus in the GI tract by its’ eugenol compound. Drinking a tea made from whole cloves can be a safe way to ingest some of the protective properties. William Davis, MD talks about how to make this tea in his new book “Super Gut.” I highly recommend reading it as he talks about healing the gut in an extensive way. He also describes how to make therapeutic yogurt as a way to address many health issues.
Consuming fresh herbs and spices like oregano, rosemary, ginger, cinnamon and cumin help stimulate the proliferation of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species in the gut by their polyphenol constituents. Taking probiotic bacteria that contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidum bacteria can help support the residence population of gut bacteria. I use HMF Intensive as a good combination of these 2 strains. It has been shown to be clinically effective in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Sydrome in studies. The GI Map is a stool test that can taken a close look at the bacteria populating your gut if you are interested,
I also stock Megaspore probiotics which is a game changer for gut function in my opinion. Megaspore helps seal up the gut in just 30 days. It also helps reduce circulating levels of LPS levels shown to have a disruptive effect on serotonin and dopamine function. It inhibits LPS from accumulating in the brain where it can damage neurons and increase inflammation. LPS otherwise known as lipopolysaccharide originates in the cell walls of organisms of gram negative bacteria like E. Coli and Klebsiella common inhabitants of the colon. When these microbes die, their cell wall contents can be liberated and pass into the blood. This drives a lot of inflammation in the body not to mention the blues. Megaspore helps reduce LPS therefore can be helpful in improving gut health. To learn more and have a consultation about yout gut health, please come and see me at Parallel Wellness. Dr. Robin Vinge 4032321283
References: Super Gut, William Davis, MD, Eat Dirt, Josh Axe, MD, Microbiome Labs, Megaspore probiotics, Genestra HMF Intensive probiotics.