If you are predominantly Pitta, you are likely ambitious, enthusiastic and decisive. You are likely very successful at what you do. Type A people are typically Pitta. When out of balance though, Pittas can be overly demanding and hard driving. Anger is a common manifestation of this imbalance. It’s no wonder, that an out of balance Pitta can suffer from hypertension or even a heart attack. Other Pitta ailments include skin problems like rashes, acne, migraine headaches, hyperthyroidism, heartburn and colitis; fevers and excessive perspiration are common to Pittas as well. So how do Pittas find their balance?
Dietary changes are key to balancing Pitta. Because the digestive fire is high in Pittas, they digest their food well and have a healthy appetite. Fruits and vegetables should be increased and if they’re raw, even better. Salads are your best friend. Vegetables that can aggravate Pittas include tomatoes, radishes, hot peppers and raw onions. Vegetables that favor Pitta include the Brassica family (cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, etc). Leafy greens,cucumbers,and cilantro are good for Pittas because of their cooling effect. Sweet fruits including grapes, mangos, melons, and plums, figs and raisins benefit Pitta the best. Foods such as citrus fruits (except lemon in small quantities which is alkalanizing and thus beneficial), yogurt, sour cream, pickles, and vinegar tend to aggravate Pitta because of their sour quality. Pittas should reduce their intake of flesh food, eggs, mustard, garlic, ginger (which are too heating), caffeine, alcohol, salt, and tobacco. Alcohol is said to be akin to throwing gasoline on the fire and reducing or eliminating intake altogether will help Pittas feel in balance.Pittas tolerate grains such as buckwheat, rice and wheat. Pittas need to drink a lot of water to cool them off and replace water lost through sweat.
With regards to physical exercise for Pittas, avoid excessive exercise especially in the heat. Swimming is one of the best balancers along with water aerobics. Taking a walk after sunset along the river would also be beneficial. Essential oils that are well tolerated topically include mint, sandalwood and rose. A few drops could be added to Coconut oil for your skin and could be used as a massage oil or added to a cool bath.
These changes made to diet and lifestyle will help balance the Pitta dosha so you can still be successful while maintaining harmony within your interpersonal relationships. Balancing your predominant constitution takes you one step closer to optimal health. For more information on balancing Ayurvedic constitutional types, please read Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra…