It seems that the collective stress levels keep ramping up. Many of my patients report to me that they are feeling overwhelmed and are having trouble coping with the amount of stress on their plates. My advice to you is for starters find out what is nurturing to you and do it. What makes you feel in balance? Do whatever that is. For myself, getting out to nature is very important. Spend a day on your weekend where you are in the midst of nature. Leave your computer at home and make a date with nature. It is amazing how well you might start feeling when you are leaving the city vibe behind you. I am an introvert so if you are an extrovert this may or may not work for you. I also spend a lot of time in my garden especially at this time of year as I find putting my hands into soil very grounding. Planting nice flowers in my yard helps enrich the environment and brings beauty to those around me. Try to be close to water which is very soothing. I find swimming very balancing to me. I also find time spent next to running water is good for the soul – a walk by the Bow river might suffice or a trip out to Bragg creek might be in order.
Carrying pocket stones is an additional strategy to help with grounding. I find black onyx and tourmaline to be particularly beneficial if you are prone to worry. Going into any metaphysical store and reading about the properties of the stones will help you decide which stones will be most suited for you. One or my patients brought me in some stones and crystals a few years ago along with a book about them (bless her soul). I did not know much about the mineral world before she opened my eyes to them. Believe it or not, these stones and crystals have properties that are beneficial to whatever you are struggling with or feel overwhelmed by. Keep an open mind which will serve you. Find out what works for you. This is one of the advantages of knowing yourself. The more you know yourself you are more in touch with what you need to do to stay in balance. Trust that these answers are inside of yourself!
Hugh D. Culver says
Love this. Thanks Rob.
I was just talking with someone about the need to get off-line, unplugged, and outdoors. It’s just too bad that all the people I see outdoors now are bent over checking their email as they enjoy their walk in the park.
Maybe it’s still a status symbol (how sad), or they really are THAT important (says who?) – either way they are missing out.