Kristi Funk is a brilliant breast surgeon and has a website that has numerous resources to help you improve your health. I wanted to post her diet today because what you put into your body can have a huge influence on your health. This is the diet that she has designed to promote your best breast health.
Vegetables- limitless consumption of leafy greens (kale, spinach, collards), green broccoli, red tomatoes, white mushrooms, orange butternut squash, purple potatoes.
Fruit- berries, apples, bananas, citrus
Fluids- almond milk, soy milk (organic non gmo; unsweetened) not more than 1 drink per day. (I would limit all alcohol if possible).
Whole grains- rice, oats, quinoa, barley, couscous, whole grain bread.
Soy- tofu, tempeh, edemame; lentils, beans, peanuts, quinoa, wild rice
Cut way down on eggs, meat, poultry fish, dairy.
Eliminate processed meat (sausage, deli meat, bacon)
Healthy fats- avocado, nuts and seed butter, olives
Lycopene- cherry tomatoes have 24% more lycopene.
Broccoli- potent antioagenesis (means prevent blood cells growth that would feed cancers) factors- 1-2 cups/week.
Kale- 6 antigenesis factors- dinosaur kale.
Stone fruits- peaches, plums, apricots, etc. -antigenesis factors- decrease lung cancer, decrease breast cancer, esophagus cancer 15%.
2 medium stone fruits/day decreases esophageal cancer.
Apricots- decrease amyloid plaque.
Apples- caffeic, ferulic acid 1-2/day decreases bladder cancer, decreases colon cancer.
Granny Smith are most cancer inhibiting.
Berries- anthocyanins, ellagic acid.
1/5 cup of berries/day helps inhibit lung cancer.
Black raspberries inhibit colon polyps.
1 cup blueberries/week- decreases risk of breast cancer.
Cranberries are the most anticancer fruit.
EPA/DHA/ALA- antiogenesis factors; Omega 3 vs Omega 6 (veg oils, inflammatory)
1 fatty fish/week decreases AMD (mackerel, sardines, herring); be careful not to eat Tilapia
Soybeans influence angiogenesis- has genestein stops growth of cancer cells.
Soy based vegetarians- 30x more genistein which inhibits cancer.
Tomatoes- lycopene, rutin. Cook tomatoes with skin on. Cook with olive oil to increase absorption.
Helps inhibit prostate cancer-2-3 cups of tomato sauce per week.
Heal nervous system- flax seeds, chia seeds, avocado, fish, fish oil supplements.
Bananas and grapefruit cut cancer cell growth by 40%.
Red grapes, strawberries and apple cut cell growth in half.
Lemons and cranberries are highest anti cancer fruits.
Berries are potent anticancer fighters.
As poultry consumption is most associated with cancer, I would advise eliminating all meat, dairy products, eggs and refined grains which feed cancer.
Plant based diet most protective and citrus fruits, leafy greens 3 servings/day.
Those who at > 3 servings of veggies had a 42% increased survival rate.
Cruciferous vegetables at least 2 servings daily.
Cooked greens also protective (collard greens, watercress, radish, turnips, cabbage, wasabi)
Raw turmeric- ¼ inch root every day fresh.
Nuts- pecans and walnuts most protective against cancer.
Garlic- 2 cloves daily.
Garlic, leek, green onions.
Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, red cabbage, spinach, beets, lemons, limes, grapefruit
Asparagus, radish, rutabaga- honorable mention
Ca fighting spices- oregano, garlic, cayenne pepper, turmeric
Fruits- blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, goji berries, citrus fruits, unsweetened cranberries, apples.
Flax seed oil and avocado to help with weight gain. Coconut milk and green tea.
Shitake and other mushrooms- immune boosting activity.
Hope you feel better about eating more plants and improving your health. To book a session with me please call Parallel Wellness to book in with me. Dr. Robin Vinge, ND 4032321283