It is super important for the brain that you optimize blood glucose. If there is a problem with insulin signaling, blood sugar rises. 60% of cognitive decline is related to how you handle blood sugar. Insulin is an escort- it takes up blood sugar and delivers it to our liver, our muscles and our fat. Insulin resistance is when are cells become numb to insulin. This creates inflammation and is linked to Alzheimer’s disease. The blood brain barrier protects the brain- it is selective to what passes into the brain. Too many carbs damage receptors on the brain. The brain can become insulin resistant. Fasting sensitizes the cells to insulin. Fasting mimicking diets are also great for brain function. These diets help the brain produce neurons and decrease neuroinflammation.
It is important to watch insulin levels. If they climb there will be increased inflammation. Inflammation creates free radicals- these then damage fat and oxidize tissues in the brain. High blood sugar causes A.G.E.’s-advanced glycation end products- where proteins and sugars interact to create damage. Looking at hemoglobin A1C is important too. You want to ensure normal levels to decrease inflammation.
Fat cells can spew out chemicals that damage the brain and contribute to neurodegenerative diseases. Certainly excessive weight around the abdomen would contribute to this phenomena. The hippocampus in your brain needs more insulin. Because insulin resistances starves the brain of insulin, people that have diabetes age faster and their hippocampus shrinks. Exercise helps you manage blood sugar. Reducing simple carbohydrates and eating a plant based ketogenic diet can help you age better and preserve your brain function. Optimize blood glucose- eat healthy carbs and healthy fats.
Vegetable based diets are best for the brain. Greater than 8000 polyphenols, resistant starch, unprocessed plant foods- greens are antiinflammatory, berries, beans- are the cornerstones of longevity. Avoid aspartame, sucralose, all artificial sweeteners to optimize brain function.
Ketogenic diets are great for the brain because you transition from burning carbs to burning fats as an energy source. These types of diets may be helpful in treating brain cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy. Ketogenic diets increase muscle mass, reverse insulin resistance. Keto flex diets-1,2,3. Inducing mild ketosis by cutting off eating 3 hours before bed, fasting for a minimum of 12 hours overnight. If you are too thin, you will have to cycle on and off a ketogenic diet. Eating healthy fats, SMASH (wild salmon, wild mackerel, anchovies, wild sardines, wild herring), pasteured eggs, olives, avocados. Eat plenty of above ground and fibrous vegetables. ‘The Alzheimer’s Antidote’ was written by Amy Berger on of the experts on the panel this year. I recommend you check it out.