It is July and the weather has heated up in Calgary. I thought I should share some summer wellness solutions to keep your optimal health at the top of your mind. First of all, the sun is good for you. In Calgary, it feels like we just have two seasons- winter and summer. It seems like winter is much harder to get through in terms of darkness, cold temperatures and the fear factor which comes about from just walking on streets subject to the freeze thaw cycle. It feels much kinder a province to exist in in the summer. Do make sure you expose yourself to at least 20 minutes of sun without sunscreen from the hours of 10 am to 3 pm when the sun is at its strongest capacity. When you expose yourself to the sun (about 40% of your body) without sunscreen you will make Vitamin D in your body. I would try to do this 3 x a week for health benefits. Because Calgary is so far away from the equator, we can only get Vitamin D from the sun from April to August. It is prudent to have your MD measure your Vitamin D once or twice a year if you suffer from a chronic diseas;, perhaps once in the winter March and at the end of the summer to check your blood levels. Levels of 25OHD3 (Vitamin D) should be between 80 and 200 nmol/L for optimal health. Vitamin D can influence your energy, mood, bone density, and immune system. People who suffer from autoimmune diseases tend to have lower levels of Vitamin D. The sunshine will provide your body with feel good endorphins. Make sure to protect your body after you have got 20 minutes of sunshine with a mineral based sunscreen like non-nano particle based zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Go to the environmental working group website for healthy sunscreens that can be ordered easily online. Wear a hat and drink lots of water to stay well hydrated in the summer. Drink enough clean water so your urine is clear. Get lots of sleep. Exposing yourself to sun in the morning can help with melatonin release at night and influence your circadian rhythm. I like to be in bed by 10 am and up at 6 am in the summer months. Sleeping eight hours is optimal but make sure your sleeping environment is cool enough. Rinsing off with a cool shower before bed can often do the trick. Until next time, stay cool. To book in with me and improve your health status, call Parallel Wellness at 4032321283. Kind regards, Dr. Robin Vinge, ND